Miedzianka › Rędziny › Kowary › Karpniki › Janowice Wielkie
dystans (km) wysokość m n.p.m.
Miedzianka › Mniszków › Rędziny › Czarnów › Kowary › Bukowiec › Krogulec › Karpniki › Janowice Wielkie > Miedzianka
Miedzianka should be the starting point of this route, as these are the remains of an old mining town, with about 700-years of history. Between the wars, it was the smallest town in Prussia, and one of the three highest situated towns. From Miedzianka you will go to Mniszków, where you can see a historic villa from the early eighteenth century. You will ride through Gniewczyce, where all that’s left are some ruins, and continue to follow the yellow trail. Going further you will get to Hala Krzyżowa, which, at the beginning of spring, is covered with flowers. Passing through Rędzina and Czarnów, you will get to Wojków, and then to Bukowiec, and after passing through Krogulec and Karpniki you will reach the Karpnicka Przełęcz. (see page 46-49). Then you will have a 9-km ride in Rudawy Janowickie, and you will finish in Janowice Wielkie. This can be a challenging tour because of the dirt and gravel roads.
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