
Miejsce: Villa Jasmin
GPS: 50.775311 , 15.734923
Adres: Karpacz , Karkonoska 8 B
E-mail: villajasmin@wp.pl
Telefon: 48757618145
WWW: http://www.jasmin.karpacz.pl

Jasmin Villa is situated in the lower part of the upper Karpacz 743 m above the sea level. From a distance of 100-200 m there is grocery shop, a billiard club, swimingpool and a bowling alley. Only 800m separates us from the famous Wang Temple and the Kopa chairlift. Within a radius of 200-600 m there are 7 ski-lifts, a skating rink, a historic summer sleigh track and there is only 1500m to the centre.