
Trasa: The Sudecki Horseriding Trail
GPS: 50.7850201 , 15.7976422
Czas przejazdu: 8:51 hh
Dystans: 35.4 km

Ściegny > Piechowice (Pakoszów);
Piechowice (Pakoszów) > Antoniów;
Antoniów > Wolimierz;
Miłoszów > Nawojów Łużycki;
Wolimierz > Miłoszów.
The Sudecki Horseriding Trail was opened to meet the demands of a growing number of horse riders wanting to admire the views from the back of a horse. A part of it goes along the foothill of Karkonosze and Jizera Mountains. A number of nearby horse riding centers extend hospitality to the riders and their horses, making it possible to divide the trip into a few stages.