
Miejsce: "Bukowiec" hospital
GPS: 50.80914837299 , 15.838873386383
Adres: Kowary , ul. Sanatoryjna 15
E-mail: turystyka@kowary.pl
Telefon: 48757182489
WWW: http://www.kowary.pl

This hospital was built between 1916 – 1921 as a sanatorium for the treatment of respiratory diseases. The climate, which dominates this nook of the Jelenia Góra valley, proved to be ideal. Therefore, the curative functions of Bukowiec are still carried out today. The building is surrounded by an expansive park which has preserved its splendour for nearly a century. The magic of Bukowiec is not due entirely to its exterior beauty, but in its specific genius loci. This is nothing strange as Bukowiec was particularly attractive to a certain type of patient – artists. Józef Gielniak, one of Poland’s most accomplished graphic artists, spent almost his entire creative life in this tuberculosis sanatorium.