
GPS: 50.8484517 , 15.8523647
Czas przejazdu: 10:10 hh
Dystans: 40.7 km

Janowice Wielkie > Miedzianka > Mniszków > Rędziny > Czarnów > Przełęcz pod Bobrzakiem (808 m n.p.m.) > Bukowiec > Krogulec > Karpnickie Stawy > Karpniki > Przełęcz Karpnicka (475 m n.p.m.) > Rozdroże pod Jańską Górą > Dolina Janówki > Janowice Wielkie.
This route follows rarely taken asphalt and ballast roads. It is meant for skilled cyclists who fear neither steep uphill stretches nor bumpy rides. The eff orts will certainly be rewarded by the captivating views of the Rudawy Janowickie Mountains, as well as the scenic towns and villages located at their foot