Szklarska Poręba › Wysoki Kamień › Kopalnia Stanisław › Chatka Górzystów › Orle › Jakuszyce › Szklarska Poręba
dystans (km) wysokość m n.p.m.
Szklarska Poręba › Wysoki Kamień › Kopalnia Stanisław › Chatka Górzystów › Orle › Jakuszyce › Szklarska Poręba
This route is quite long, but not very difficult. However, you should plan to spend the whole day on your bike. It is worth recommending because of the interesting area and views. You should take either a mountain bike or motocross bike. From the centre of Szklarska Poręba, you ride in the direction of Rozdroże at Wysoki Kamien, and then you will head to the “Stanisław” mine. Later on, the Szklarska Road will get you to Cicha Równina (the Silent Crossroads), and the next point on your route will be the hut “Chatka Górzystów”, where pancakes with blueberries are said to be the best in the world. It is worth it to stop here. On your return you will pass by Izerska Hala and the hut “Orle” (Eagle), another fantastic place to stop in Izery. You will pass through Jakuszyce and the Huta settlement, and then get back to the city centre.
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